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4-Shift Scheduling: 5 Tips for Maximizing Efficiency

Learn how the 4-Shift System boosts efficiency in your business and if it's the right model for you.

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Choosing and implementing the right shift model is crucial for ensuring uninterrupted operations, especially in manufacturing. In this blog, you'll discover whether the 4-shift system is a good fit for your business and how it can enhance productivity while improving employee satisfaction in the long run.

Shift planner industry

What is a 4-Shift Model?

The 4-shift system is a work scheduling model where employees are divided into four shift groups, rotating through various shifts according to a set plan. Similar to other shift models, these shifts typically include the classic morning, evening, and night shifts.

Which Industries Benefit from the 4-Shift Model?

In modern companies with 100 or more employees, the 4-shift system has become a new standard. Like the 5-shift system, it is often used in companies subject to collective agreements. This model is particularly suitable for industries where production facilities cannot be shut down or can only be stopped at significant cost, such as industrial manufacturing or energy supply. It is also employed in healthcare and emergency services.

Advantages of the 4-Shift Model

The 4-shift system offers significant advantages, especially in areas with lower weekend demand. It reduces weekend work and focuses on peak working hours, enhancing cost efficiency. The system ensures a balanced utilization of production capacity, minimizing overtime and short-term adjustments. It also provides flexibility to adapt to seasonal production peaks or irregular demand, allowing for more efficient responses to changes. Additionally, the 4-shift system helps manage staffing shortages more effectively by enabling even distribution of working hours and simplifying personnel planning. Overall, it ensures stable and predictable production, meeting the specific needs of the industry and optimizing the use of working time and resources.

Challenges of the 4-Shift Model

One of the challenges of the 4-shift system is creating a shift schedule that meets both legal requirements and the needs of the workforce. The complex structure of this model involves higher administrative effort, as work hours must be carefully coordinated to adhere to break and rest time regulations. Adding an additional shift group may also require more personnel to ensure key positions, such as managers or specialized staff, are covered in every shift.

The administrative burden of managing shift groups and their rotations in a 4-shift system can be significant, especially when employees can apply for shifts independently. The full potential of this system is realized with dedicated shift scheduling software, which can handle its complexity and ensure comprehensive coverage. Such software also facilitates GDPR-compliant and legally secure management of shift applications.

Rotation Models in the 4-Shift System

In the manufacturing industry, two main variants of the 4-shift system are commonly used: the 4x4 schedule and the Panama plan.

4x4 Schedule

This schedule is the most common in the industry. It divides shifts into four rotating groups: morning shift, evening shift, night shift, and off shift. Employees cycle through each shift before returning to the first one. This system ensures adequate rest periods and helps avoid repetitive patterns.

Panama Plan

The Panama Plan, also known as the 2-2-3 schedule, is another model used for shift scheduling in industries with continuous operations. It features 4 shift groups, each working 12-hour shifts, with 2 groups working each day. The rotation is as follows: 2 days on, 2 days off, 3 days on, and 2 days off. This pattern ensures that each shift group has every other weekend off.

5 Tips for Increasing Efficiency

1. Adherence to Breaks and Rest Periods

Even though employees can independently apply for shifts, employers must ensure compliance with legal regulations regarding breaks and rest periods. This is not only important from a legal standpoint but also crucial for employee efficiency and health. Well-rested employees are more satisfied, make fewer mistakes, and work more efficiently. Therefore, rest periods should be integrated into every shift plan from the start.

Intelligent shift scheduling tools play a key role in this by automatically ensuring that all legal requirements are met. Modern shift scheduling software can efficiently manage complex shift models while adhering to all legal standards, thereby enhancing both work quality and employee well-being.

2. Consideration of Shift Preferences

Considering employee shift preferences can significantly help reduce absences. When employees work during their preferred shifts, they are generally more satisfied and less likely to call in sick unexpectedly.

Modern shift scheduling software allows for the automatic integration of employee preferences. Planners can adjust how much these preferences impact the scheduling process, thereby reducing the likelihood of absences.

3. Posting Open Shifts

To meet demand, it is crucial to be flexible in responding to absences and increased needs. Posting open shifts allows for targeted coverage of additional staffing requirements.

AI-powered shift scheduling tools enable employees to independently apply for available shifts. In cases of short-term absences, such software can use AI to suggest suitable replacements, ensuring that staffing needs are efficiently addressed.

4. Utilizing Shift Rotations

Shift rotation ensures a fair distribution of shifts, preventing employees from being stuck in night shifts for extended periods and allowing them to gain experience in various work areas.

Modern shift scheduling software, through automated shift rotations, ensures an equitable distribution of shifts. This enhances employee satisfaction and helps minimize absences.

5. Using AI-Powered Shift Scheduling Solutions

Using AI-powered shift scheduling solutions, which take into account availability, qualifications, and preferences, can significantly enhance efficiency in shift scheduling. By integrating factors such as legal requirements, absences, and qualifications into each shift plan, these solutions ensure that every shift is optimally staffed. Additionally, improved resource utilization leads to lower operational costs.

Automated Shift Scheduling with shyftplan

The 4-shift system can be compared to a high-performance engine. It offers exceptional potential for increased efficiency but requires expertise and precise maintenance to fully realize its benefits. While smaller businesses might manage this complexity with solutions like Excel, automated solutions are essential for effective workforce planning in complex industrial settings.

shyftplan specializes in efficiently and automatically implementing shift models in industrial contexts. With AI, it can generate complex shift schedules at the push of a button. This is particularly valuable for large companies with intricate manufacturing processes and diverse qualification profiles, saving significant time in planning. Thanks to integration with ERP and personnel management systems, shyftplan can respond in real time to short-term absences and always find the best possible replacements using AI.

How Siemens Energy Maximized Efficiency and Employee Satisfaction with AI-Powered Shift Scheduling

Siemens Energy Thumbnail Video ENG

Siemens Energy is a pioneer in implementing AI-powered shift scheduling, demonstrating how automated solutions can enhance both efficiency and satisfaction. Discover how the company revolutionized its shift scheduling with shyftplan, increasing machine utilization by 50% and achieving a 98% employee satisfaction rate.

Da bei einem Dienstplan personenbezogene Daten benötigt werden, greift hier selbstverständlich auch der Datenschutz. So darf ein Schichtplan nicht einfach für alle sichtbar ausgehängt und schon gar nicht abfotografiert und beispielsweise per Messenger verschickt werden – was aber insbesondere bei kleineren Betrieben oft der Fall ist. Doch auch in größeren Betrieben gibt es eine problematische Beziehung zwischen Dienstplan und Datenschutz: Gibt es zum Beispiel ein Excel-Dokument, auf das alle Mitarbeiter zugreifen und somit die persönlichen Daten Dritter einsehen können, wird der Datenschutz verletzt. Daher gilt: Ein Schichtplan ist ein Dokument mit vertraulichen, persönlichen Daten und sollte auch als ein solches behandelt werden.

Beim Datenschutz ist das Gesetz für Dienstpläne eindeutig: Nicht jeder Mitarbeiter hat einen Anspruch darauf, den gesamten Schichttplan einzusehen. Genauso hat jeder Mitarbeiter das Recht, eine Veröffentlichung des Dienstplans zu verhindern – auch innerhalb des Unternehmens.

• Never post shift schedules publicly • Do not send photos of shift schedules to your employees • Limit employee access to shift schedule files, such as through an intranet • Ensure that each employee can only view their own data A scheduling software can assist in creating a data protection-compliant shift schedule. This is particularly beneficial for larger companies, as smart solutions consider laws and legal requirements when creating shift schedules, helping them stay on the safe side.

FrühschichtSpätschichtNachtschichtMorning shiftLate shiftNight shift0/20/11/11/22/2Mitarbeiter zuweisenKIAssign employeesAIF