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All features at a glance

Simple, fair and automated shift planning. shyftplans functions at a glance.

Automated shift planning

Create shift plans at the touch of a button.

  • AI-supported shift allocation
  • Integrated demand planning
  • GDPR-compliant employee communication
03 staff scheduling in harmony with production planning
Abwesenheiten mobile ENG 1

Absence management

Get rid of the biggest time wasters in staff scheduling:

  • Filling staff absences
  • Annual holiday planning
  • Annual holiday planning
12 Signing in ENG

Working time accounts

Balanced working hours guaranteed: shyftplan manages work accounts. Overtime only occurs in emergencies.

  • Working time account integration
  • Integration of other time recording tools
  • Time recording shyftplan
16 9 Master Data Device Frame ENG

Master Data und Integration

Keep your employee data up to date at all times with shyftplan's standard integration into systems such as SAP and Personio.

  • Automatic synchronisation of employee data
  • Avoidance of duplicate maintenance
  • DSGVO-compliant

System integration

Use shyftconnect, or our open REST API, to easily link shyftplan with your existing solutions.

  • Standard integration with SAP, Personio and all other common systems
  • Minimal integration effort
  • Extensive documentation and support
Shyftconnect English blue cloud with white background

Calculate your potential savings with our ROI calculator


Your potential savings

round visual

Get a personalised estimate of your savings potential

Book a consultation with our shift planning experts to learn how industry-leading manufacturing companies are realizing up to seven-figure efficiency gains with shyftplan.

Shyftplan 26
“Anstatt starre 2- oder 3-Schichtmodelle zu planen, können wir nun dem Mitarbeiter die Möglichkeit geben, sich eigenständig auf seine gewünschten Schichten zu bewerben. Das Tool prüft automatisch, ob die Rahmenbedingungen eingehalten werden.”
— Jan Tornow I Siemens Energy, Berlin