Automated shift planning
Discover the automatic shift planning of shyftplan! Real-time availability matching, fair distribution and AI optimization.
Simple, fair and automated shift scheduling. shyftplans functions at a glance.
Create shift plans at the touch of a button.
Get rid of the biggest time wasters in staff scheduling:
Balanced working hours guaranteed: shyftplan manages work accounts. Overtime only occurs in emergencies.
Keep your employee data up to date at all times with shyftplan's standard integration into systems such as SAP and Personio.
Use shyftconnect, or our open REST API, to easily link shyftplan with your existing solutions.
“Anstatt starre 2- oder 3-Schichtmodelle zu planen, können wir nun dem Mitarbeiter die Möglichkeit geben, sich eigenständig auf seine gewünschten Schichten zu bewerben. Das Tool prüft automatisch, ob die Rahmenbedingungen eingehalten werden.”— Jan Tornow I Siemens Energy, Berlin