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Darbo - Food production

When production dictates the shift schedule, short-notice changes are the order of the day. Discover how our software managed this challenge.

The situation

The market leader in the Austrian jam and honey market has stood for the highest level of enjoyment since 1897. To ensure the best quality in raw materials and processing, Darbo places great emphasis on staff training. But the staff's scheduling was anything but first-class. Darbo relied on Excel lists, whose manual administration was not sustainable in the long term because short-term rescheduling could not always be communicated 100% reliably.

The challenge

Planners had to call several staff members or contact them by text message when changing plans. Multiple scheduling or overlooking employees was thus the order of the day. The company was faced with unexpected challenges:

  • Dynamic fluctuations in shift schedules due to production dependency
  • Need for reliable communication in case of last-minute changes
  • Continuous staffing of the production line required

The solution

Communication with and among staff has become extremely simplified thanks to our smart shift schedule tools. Now everyone knows where, when and with whom they have to work the next day or week. The use of shyftplan thus fits seamlessly into Darbo's digitalization strategy: away from posted rosters, towards paperless production and a shift plan on the smartphone.

“Communication with employees has become extremely simple thanks to shyftplan. Everyone knows where, when and with whom they have to work the next day or week.”
— – Andrea Rangger-Kraft, Production Manager at Darbo
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Whitepaper Darbo x shyftplan

Read our free white paper to find out how shyftplan makes production planning more efficient, especially when changes are made at short notice.